Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How To Draw Boba Fett

How to Draw Boba Fett
Drawing the fictional character from Star Wars, Boba Fett, can be challenging, but for the artistically gifted, might prove to be just the challenge you are looking for. Boba Fett, the anti-hero, bounty hunter, hired by the Empire to capture Hans Solo, is covered in body armor and carries an arsenal of weaponry. As long as you pay attention to detail, adding his equipment and weapons, drawing Boba Fett should be a great addition to your character portfolio.
Difficulty: Moderate
Things You'll Need:
Sketch Pad
Drawing Pencils
Dark Colored Pencils
Step 1:
Start your Boba Fett drawing with an outline of his entire body, including his head. Boba Fett wears a helmet on his head. He never shows his face, so there isn't any facial details to worry about. His helmet is triangular shaped, metal with a rounded top. The helmet has a plastic face protector attached to the front. Boba Fett wears a body armor suit which fits the outline of his body. His full body outline is fairly straightforward.
Step 2:
Sketch Boba Fett's outline close to his body, as if sketching an outline of bodyparts; shoulders, arms, torso, hips, legs, down to his boots. His suit is tight fitting, like Batman or Superman. In fact, sketch an outline of Boba Fett's body the same as you would sketch one of the other action heros. The body armor blends into the body. It is the coloring and detail of the suit that distinguishes the outfit from the actual body.
Step 3:
Shade Boba Fetts suit and helmet a dark army green color. His appearance is dark, because he depicts a dark character. Boba Fett wears a pair of black combat boots. When you draw his character, his legs tuck into his boots. Draw the length of his boots mid calf. Boba Fett has been a cartoon character, an action hero, and also a real star in the movies. His real appearance stands at least 6 feet tall.
Step 4:
Pay attention when drawing Boba Fett's arsenal of weaponry. It is the equipment he carries that sets Boba Fett apart from the rest. Start by drawing a sawed-off Blas Tech EE-3 carbine rifle. Add a Tenloss DXR-6 disruptor pistol and a Motrinomon Z-6 jet pack. This artillery attaches to his suit on the backside.
Step 5:
Sketch the rifle as you would a sawed off shotgun; attach it to the jet pack. Boba Fett carries the jet pack on his back, which will not be seen unless the character is drawn from the side. If you include the jet pack in your drawing, sketch it as you would a rectangular style backpack, simple. The pistol, which resembles any normal pistol, is also attached to the characters jet pack on his backside. Drawing Boba Fett at an angle allows you to include the jet pack, rifle, and pistol.
Step 6:
Draw a Czerka ZX miniature flame projector attached to the top of Boba Fett's left gauntlet or glove. Also add a Blas Tech Dur-24 wrist laser and a Kevlarex Consolidated Arms MM9 mini concussion rocket. These three weapons are positioned right above Boba Fett's left glove.
Step 7:
Draw the flame projector to look like a simple open ended pipe. Add in some orange to the end, to look like a flame. Sketch the laser next to the flame. This is nothing more than a long straw like shape. The mini rocket, which sits next to the laser, looks just like a rocket. Use your imagination. And don't be intimidated by all the fancy names. The weapons are simple and ordinary to draw.
Step 8:
When drawing Boba Fett's weapons, don't forget to attach to his right glove a fiber-cord whip launcher with 20 meter lanyard, retractable vibro-blades, and a dart launcher. Again, these are fancy names for simple weapons. Right above Boba Fett's right glove, draw a small rectangular box with a rope extended out, about 3 feet. Next to the whip launcher, sketch a few small blades and a dart.
Step 9:
Add to the top of Boba Fett's jet pack, the one you will draw on his back, a drawing of a small missile. If the character is facing forward, you can sketch the missile to extend up from his back, above one shoulder. The missile should look like a small rocket.
Step 10:
Add knee pads to his uniform, square shapes drawn on each knee. Add to the surface of one of his knee pads a rocket dart launcher; a very small rocket shape. Add to the surface of the other knee pad, a simple fire dart. This is a dart shape with an orange flame extending out from the pointed end.
Tips & Warnings
If you are concerned about drawing Boba Fett's arsenal weaponry correctly, put on a Star Wars movie and view the character of Boba Fett. Pay special attention to the weaponry he carries on his back and on his arms, above his gloves. You can get a great idea of how to draw Boba Fett's props by watching him in action.
Boba Fett's character is fairly straightforward. He is always wearing the same costume and carrying the same weaponry. Keep focused on main colors and details and you'll be sure to draw an accurate Boba Fett.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Do You Need A Building Permit?

When deciding whether you need to pull a permit for your remodel or addition it is important to consult the city in which you live; each city has different rules and regulations concerning building permits.
Different cities have different variance codes based on different factors; specific weather patterns, soil types, whether there are earthquake faults, tornadoes, high fire zones, chronic windy areas, etc. All our determinants of what permits must be pulled for what building taking place.
The state of California has the strictest enforcement of permit codes, out of the 52 states. Legally you must pull a permit for even small jobs such as, installing retrofit windows, removing and replacing plugs or adding additional electrical outlets. Simple projects not requiring a permit in most states include; removing or replacing plumbing for upgrade, painting, flooring, installing built in wall units, kitchen cabinets, providing no electrical or plumbing work is involved.
It is important to discuss future home repair or home addition projects with any home owners association you might be involved with. Some communities have rules against building or adding to an existing structure. Some communities strictly enforce certain paint colors allowed on the outside of a house. Checking with your association can deter any possible problems that might occur after a project is complete.
One thing is certain, if a permit is to be pulled it is very important to do so. Not pulling permits can be cause for great consequence. If you are a homeowner that doesn't pull a permit, sometimes referred to as the "Dumb homeowner syndrome," you might get away with a slap on the hand, but a contractor knowing better, can face possible fines and maybe even suspension of a license; depending on the type of work done.

Friday, July 18, 2008

How To Stop Emotional Eating

Emotional eating usually starts in the mind. A thought becomes an obsession and the obsession turns into a compulsion. The compulsion turns into a habit and off we go. Habits are hard to break but can be broken if enough time is given to undoing the mental process. As we replace the obsessive thought with another thought eventually we break the cycle of food obsession. For example, instead of thinking about a cookie one could call a friend on the phone and ask her how she's doing. Not that eating a cookie is wrong but if you've already had a few and you're craving more because you can't pay your gas bill change you're thinking. Learning to change the way we think takes us off the road of insanity and puts us onto the road of recovery.
First we admit we are powerless over food and that our lives have become unmanageable, we come to believe in a power greater than ourselves that can restore us to sanity, and we make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God. We are basically going to exchange our food addiction, our reliance on the comforting affects of food to help us feel better, for an addiction to God or a new dependence on Him. Believing in God is a struggle for some and for others they never find Him. I am challenging you if you don't know God, start today by asking Him to reveal Himself to you. Everyday as you work towards food recovery ask Him to manifest Himself in your life. If you truly seek Him you will find Him.
Apologizing to those we hurt is critical to our recovery. Being sorry sets us free from the guilt that leads us to food. I know as stubborn and rebellious people we tend to have a need to be right. We kick and scream to get our own way. Letting go of the need to be right is of vital importance. It is OK to be wrong even if you are not. Believe me, you will feel better and come out the winner in the end. I know that is against everything you've been taught. It doesn't matter. Your peace and freedom is far more important than being right.
I know that if I have harmed someone and they are angry with me I feel uncomfortable. Because discomfort leads to eating I will eat because I feel bad for what I have done. If I apologize then I release myself from the feelings of guilt. I no longer eat to feel better because I have let go of the burden of the guilt that makes me feel bad.
Trusting in God means that I believe He can solve all of my problems. Trusting that God can solve my problems means that I reach for God during discomfort and not food. Turning my will and my life over to God means I have to believe He is smarter than I am and can make better decisions than I can. It is easy to wake up in the morning and turn my life over to the care of God, but actually leaving my life there is difficult. How can I really trust that God is going to work out my problems? If I can't see Him working how am I suppose to believe that He is?
You've heard it said before, practice makes perfect. As I practiced this principle and experienced God working to solve my problems it became easier each time to trust Him again. As I continued reaching for God instead of food, I slowly lost my dependence on food and developed a new dependence on God. (Note: Sometimes you will have to wait. God's timing is not always the same as ours. But don't give up. Keep trusting no matter what.)
God started doing for me what I could not do for myself. Now I actually wake up in the morning excited to see what God is going to do next. Developing a constant contact with God is of vital importance. Every single day you must practice praying to Him. As you talk to God your relationship with Him will grow. As you get closer to God and your belief in Him strengthens, trusting in Him will get easier. The more you trust God in all your affairs the less you will be dependent on food for comfort.

Order my book, "So You Want To Lose Weight But You Can't Stop Eating." http://www.personaladdiction.com

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Worst Pest Experience

I remember growing up as a young girl in Simi Valley, CA. We lived in a newly developed neighborhood amongst a vast number of orange groves. The town was relatively new. There weren't many tracks of homes built yet, so unfortunately there were a lot of grasshoppers. I remember these ugly, large, brown creatures crawling up the walls of my house. They were on the fences, in the street, and sometimes even floating in the pool. They were everywhere. I can't quite remember any particular catastrophe concerning these dreadful insects but one thing is for certain, I am a grownup now, with a grasshopper phobia.
Because of my irrational fear of grasshoppers I've never been big on gardening. No matter how beautiful my next door neighbor's yard is, I can't seem to get myself to plant anything of real beauty in my yard. Gardens have to be tended to and I know where grasshoppers live. Needless to say I am a huge fan of the rock garden. Looking back quite a few years I am reminded of the first house my husband and I purchased. There were definitely too many trees for my liking, so I immediately hired a gardener to do my trimming. Of course I put him in charge of all the outdoor chores. There was however a large rose bush that lined the back wall. It was a pretty bush with gorgeous yellow roses. The gardener informed me that the flowers would grow bigger, brighter and more often if I kept the tree pruned. I asked him, of course, why he didn't do it for me; he mentioned something about upping the cost and not really having the time. God knew there was no way I was trimming any rose bush so I just decided I didn't care what the yellow roses looked like or even whether or not they grew. In fact, I opted to have the whole tree taken out. A few months later after ignoring the bush completely I noticed one lone flower growing in the midst of the tree. It looked so pretty there all alone and I thought what a shame that there wasn't more of this beautiful flower growing. Suddenly it came to me that if I'd trim that tree as I had been advised, then the tree would spring forth more beauty. "Okay." I said to myself. "I'll trim the tree." It wasn't the best time of year for trimming trees. It was a warm day in the middle of September, perfect grasshopper weather. But I got my clippers, my gloves and I set out to bring beauty to my backyard. First I got the hose and drenched the bush from top to bottom and side to side. I was certain if there were any pesky creatures in there they would definitely fly away. Of course I stood back quite a ways in case something did fly out at me I could quickly run into the house. But nothing ever did fly and I assumed I was safe. So I began trimming that tree. I wish I could say I had a good time. I know many people get great pleasure out of gardening, but my fear would not allow me to relax. I could not get rid of the thought that a grasshopper would fly out of the bush and land on my arm. I had a grasshopper land on my arm once when I was twelve, and it wouldn't come off. I was in seventh grade at tennis practice. I was minding my own business hitting tennis balls against the backboard when suddenly a three inch long grasshopper jumped on my arm. I tried brushing it off but its suction feet held fast. I then with all my might smacked the creature as hard as I could and it finally flew away. The trauma of that incident remained embedded in my brain even until this day as a young married adult.
But I kept on trimming that bush, starting from the top on down, and then moving over a little at a time towards the other side. By the time I was finished with my job; my husband was home from work. He came out to see what I was doing and was quite proud to see the rose bush trimmed and looking so nice. Of course my husband didn't understand my phobia. I mean, no one really did. As he approached me I turned around to show him what a great job I had done. But when I turned to walk towards the bush my husband called me back. He said to me, "Don't move." And he proceeded to remove something from my back. Of course I hollered, "What is it?" But he would not tell me. He said, "Nothing, don't worry about it," and continued to praise my work some more. Because I was an intelligent human being and not the stupid nave girl he obviously thought I was I knew he had just taken a grasshopper off my back. Although I will never know for sure, being 99% convinced, that was the last day I ever did gardening. It wasn't long before I had the bush removed as well as every other small bush and tree in both yards. My husband and I have a rule; if he desires to see beauty growing in the yards, he must not only plant the flowers, he must take care of them also. Don't get me wrong. I love flowers growing in an open field. I have also been to flower gardens that have taken my breath away. I would give anything to line my front walk with purple, violets and blues; but until God decides to send all the grasshoppers to another country, which mind you, I pray for daily, I will stick to the indoors where I know I am safe and sound; not from dogs, not from snakes or lizards, not even from criminal ax murderers, but I am safe from those long, brown, ugly, creatures called grasshoppers.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Extraordinary Getaway

When was the last time you and your spouse embarked on a magical journey together? So long ago you can't recall exactly when? Does life seem so busy and hectic that a vacation is absolutely out of the question? In your crazy hustle bustle world time away with your spouse must be a top priority. With so much pressure from the outside world to succeed and prosper it is easy to find yourself preoccupied all the time with what you think needs to be done. No time is given to what's really important; your spouse. So what are you waiting for? Clear your schedule and set a date to put your wife on the pedestal where she deserves.
Randonnee offers self guided tours in cycling, walking, hiking, multi-sport, cross country skiing, and active driving. Available in Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain or maybe you want to stay local taking a cycling tour through the Napa Valleys in California. Maybe a journey through canyons and national parks in Utah is more your style. Whatever your secret vacation desire, make sure to plan a trip alone just the two of you. Begin developing the quality your relationship desperately deserves by sharing one on one alone time together. Every couple needs a relationship re-charge. Randonnees experience offers just the boost your relationship needs.
A self guided tour offers you flexibility. You can plan your trip with ease knowing that you pick the time, the date and place but the details are taken care of by the experts. Each trip is prepaid. You choose from a list of hand picked Bed and Breakfast Inns or quaint little motels. Each day your suitcases are transported for you from one destination to the next. So you never have to carry any luggage around. You are given a detailed road map with quality cafs and picnic areas already mapped out for you. You choose the place where the two of you can share a romantic meal together or just to stop for a soda along the way. Meticulous instructions, maps and tips are included in your Randonnee package to make your trip as carefree as possible.
Because your tour is self guided there are no guides or groups keeping you back or slowing you down. Peddle through the back roads and stop at your leisure to enjoy the view of a flowing river or the sun beating down upon a lake. Maybe this doesn't sound like your type of excursion but remember any time invested into your spouse is a profitable venture. Your sacrifice will not return to you void.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

How To Purchase A Mrs. Beasley Doll

How to Purchase a Mrs. Beasley Doll:
Purchasing an antique or vintage item takes a little research but for the person determined, finding a vintage doll is easy. Purchasing a Mrs. Beasley Doll is only as difficult as the resources available, and nowadays the resources for vintage toys are endless. When searching for your Mrs. Beasley doll, try a few of the suggested resources and soon you too will own a vintage collectible Mrs. Beasley doll.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Things You'll Need:
Internet Yellow Pages Newspaper

Purchase a Mrs. Beasley Doll
Step 1:
Type into your Internet web browser the link for Ebay; the most popular Internet resource for just about anything. Once the homepage for Ebay loads, type into the search box "Mrs. Beasley Doll." If anyone, anywhere, has a vintage Mrs. Beasley doll listed, the listing will come up. Each seller will have their own cost and buying instructions.
Step 2:
Search through the yellow pages of your local phone directory for antique stores. Mrs. Beasley dolls are considered antique or vintage and might be found sitting on the shelf in an antique shop. Call the numbers listed in the phone book first to inquire whether or not a doll is available. A phone call can save you driving time.
Step 3:
Check with some of your local coin stores. You would be amazed at what a coin collector also collects. Most coin stores sell all types of collectibles so don't just search for antiques in antique stores.
Step 4:
Call around to some of the local consignment stores. People who understand the value of their Mrs. Beasley doll might have one for sale in a consignment shop. The owner might price the doll high, but usually not as high as they are priced in an antique shop.
Step 5:
Don't forget to check out the local garage sales. Garage sales are great for finding rare treasures like a Mrs. Beasley doll. if you do happen to find a doll at a garage sale, it's usually there because the owner has no idea of the dolls value, or the owner just doesn't care. The best price for a collector doll will usually be found at a garage sale.
Step 6:
Read through listings found in the newspaper. Check daily to see if someone has listed a Mrs. Beasley doll for sale. And make sure to check out online Internet newspaper listings as well. Craigslist is a great place too search for items, and listings can be posted and read all over the United States.

Tips & Warnings
No matter what avenue you choose to buy your Mrs. Beasley doll, call ahead to make sure a doll is availabe. This serves two purposes. If a doll is available, the owner can put it aside for you. If there isn't a doll, the owner can take your name and information and contact you if a doll is located.

Always make sure your Mrs. Beasley doll is authentic before making a purchase. There are a great number of fakes and counterfeits posing as real. Know what you are looking for before you begin your search so you are not caught off guard when approached with a fake. Discover the different ways of telling a fake from a real to spare yourself the heartache of a scam artisit.

Friday, July 11, 2008

God's Grace

I remember growing up as a believer. But I was a powerless Christian. I attended Church from the age of eight. I wanted to be well behaved like all the other boys and girls in my Sunday school class but my behavior was just the opposite. I had a foul mouth and an anger problem from a young age. As I grew into adolescence the anger intensified and depression developed. I watched as the kids from my Church sat and ate lunch together engaging in cheerful camaraderie but I felt guilty joining them because I spent my weekends at parties drinking beer and smoking pot. I felt miserable most of the time. I wanted the joy my friends displayed but I honestly didn't know how to get it. It seemed like every time I tried to be like them I fell flat on my face.
After high school I became a college dropout, got pregnant then got married in that order. I had three children by the age of 22 and I was divorced by age 24. That long hall of sadness mixed with rage grew longer every day. I knew God was with me because I was taught that He was but I couldn't feel Him. I never doubted God's existence, what I doubted was myself. I remember Bible study with a group of women who taught that Jesus was not God and that's what I believed. How could God's son be God? My friends from Church said, "Lacy, be careful." But they didn't know what they were talking about. These were great people with a sound doctrine and I liked the time we spent together in the Word. But the Holy Spirit was working in my spirit because I went to the Bible bookstore and bought eight different books on the reasons why this certain group of believers were wrong. During my reading I did an awesome study of the trinity, the eyes of my heart were enlightened and all of a sudden I knew who God was. It was such an amazing revelation I couldn't wait to share it with my study group friends, but they weren't as happy as I was and our meetings came to an end. My relationship with God continues growing stronger everyday but character transformation is a process. I didn't come to the realization of who God was and all of a sudden walk into newness of life. I was smoking, drinking, fornicating and partying practically everyday. I was still very angry and depressed and after the divorce extreme loneliness set in. I finally knew who God was but now He had to change me. God said in His Word He would transform me by the renewing of my mind and He began that day. But the manifestation of that transformation is still taking place. I applaud those who accept Jesus in their hearts and are instantly new creatures. I believe this really does happen to some, but it did not happen this way for me. Although I felt his presence and am convinced I was saved, that salvation took awhile to manifest in my life. The hardest part about life for me was trusting in God to take care of my needs. I had grown so accustomed to worrying about everything I had no idea how I was suppose to lay my cares at His feet. The worries and concerns of life is why I drank, smoked, overate and looked for new relationships continually. I used these vices to escape responsibility. I abused substances to dull the pain of a harsh reality. But as I practiced letting go of the problems and allowing God to take care of them for me and as I saw Him actually working in my life I found I no longer needed the substances I craved. One nasty bad habit at a time disappeared and I can honestly say today I am free at last.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades!

Neverending, your glory goes beyond all fame. Lord, the cry of my heart is to give you praise; from the inside out, Lord my soul cries out, to you!
Sometimes my love for God is so great I can't contain it.
There are days like today when everything looks bad in the natural yet my soul feels like it will explode in love and adoration.
Can God be so great to cause an excitement within me that permeates all sound reason? I say yes.
Thank you God for being greater than all my circumstances. Thank you God for loving my children more than I do. Thank you God for choosing me a home and making it possible for me to obtain. Sometimes it is impossible without the loving hand of God. Thank God nothing is impossible for Him.
I will walk in the blessing. I will walk in the light. I will stand on the Word, and I will prevail.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Strong Willed Stubborn Children

There is definitely a difference in some babies temperaments, and they start as early as a year old, maybe even earlier in some cases. I sit and watch her as she falls to the floor, arches her back, screams like she is dying, and I ask myself, "Bipolar?" I know she's okay, because she is. Maybe her teeth hurt, I'm not sure. But what to do with her? I don't remember when my children were small, and my first grand daughter didn't throw such tantrums, so what to do about it? I'm told she is extremely intelligent and it's only her brilliance kicking into overdrive, I think, "Little demon?" Possibly. I guess if she were my own I'd deal with her differently, but she's not mine, she's my step grand daughter. What a title. It is a different relationship than my own blood grand daughter, although as she ages we get closer. I was afraid when she was a baby I'd never bond with her the same, and maybe it will never be exactly the same, but it is good. I know she loves me. And that's important. I need to know she feels safe. I want her to run into the room when she is 3 and yell, "Grandma." Because to her I am grandma. Too children there is no step or blended family. Too children we are all just there caregivers, given to make sure they are fed, changed, and loved. I can do that. But oh, wouldn't it be so much easier if she would quit screaming every time I said no. Oh well. I will love her anyway.