Sunday, October 23, 2005

Narcotics, alcohol, food, relationships: All just a way of escape.

I was sitting in an alcohol recovery meeting one afternoon when I noticed a girl sitting across from me who looked distressed and anguished. She was crying and obviously disturbed. When it came time for the coffee break she gathered up her things and got ready to leave. Feeling led by God to confront her I walked over and asked her if she was leaving the meeting. When she said, “Yes”, I asked her if she wanted to talk. She hesitated, but went outside with me. That’s when I noticed she could barely walk because she was stoned on Vicodin pills. She proceeded to tell me her story. Her mother had kicked her out of the house and her boyfriend broke up with her. She was living in her car. Her biggest problem as far as she was concerned was that the pills were gone. I could relate and I knew immediately that I would have to share my story with this girl. My success would make her's possible. That’s why Paul said, “I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.” I believe I went through what I did for a reason. God had a purpose for saving me and getting me sober. I had struggled with narcotic pills myself so I had a great story of deliverance to share with this girl. That is why God led me to talk with her. He knew beforehand that I could help. Always be willing to share your successes and your failures with others. Be willing to humble yourself and God will use you in a powerful way. Don't let your testimony die with you. Pass it on.
Thought to meditate on:The best gift you can give people is hope. Never be too proud to lower yourself in order to lift them up. God has a purpose for every person and a reason behind every plan. If God thinks He can use you to help someone He will lead you to them. Your job is to listen and follow so you know where to go. God has an amazing way of getting His work done here on the earth and you should feel honored that He chooses to use you.

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