Sunday, March 19, 2006

What's in a relationship? Alcohol or Jesus?

Rise Up

2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

I was at a bar one night with some friends and I saw a man I wanted to meet. I was tired of being alone so I waited until he left the bar and I chased him down the parking lot. Can you believe it? I had a few cans of liquid courage in me so I was able to put on the charm and ask him for his phone number. I never could have done that sober. Actually, if I was sober, I never would have wanted to meet a guy in a bar. I called him the next day and we began dating. The strange thing about this guy is he didn't drink at all. He said he didn't like the way he felt the next day. That's funny, neither did I, but that didn't stop me from drinking. Ironically I found myself drinking more because he was sober. I guess I didn't have enough confidence in myself to think a sober guy would find me attractive. I always went out with drunks who thought I was a ravishing beauty. His sobriety made me more nervous, and gave me even more reason to drink. That relationship ended abruptly. I wasn't much fun to be around, drunk all the time. And looking back I am surprised he didn't dump me a whole lot sooner. No matter how hard I tried to drink socially, I always turned into a drunken idiot. I discovered that drunk women are not attractive and I tried hard not to be one. But I failed everytime I picked up that first drink. And when I think about the guy I met in the bar, I get embarrassed. I pray I don't ever run into him.

Thought to meditate on:
I do not have one story to tell of a successful dating relationship between myself and a man I met in a bar. Not one. I guess that should tell us something. I would tend to believe that the statistics of relationships lasting between two people meeting in a bar are low. I am not saying that nice people don't go to bars. I went to bars and I was a nice person. But the majority of people who go to bars are not the type of people I would want a serious relationship with. Not even when I was drinking. Maybe you should take up a sport or a hobby and find people with similar interests. I think the chance of a successful relationship might be higher this way. Just for the record, I met my third husband in alcoholics anonymous. It wasn't on the list of places I wanted to meet a man, but it worked out OK.

ADDICTION: A Personal Story
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