Sunday, April 15, 2007

It's all in a daze work!

I was sitting here a few minutes ago looking at old baseball cards and looking up the prices in a price guide thinking there has to be a better way to make money. You see I sell on eBay for other people and although I enjoy it very much sometimes I get items that have no real value and nothing I do is going to make these items sell for more than they are worth. When an older baseball card, 1958 to 1960, is selling for $2.00 in Mint condition and a great name like Roger Clemens is only .18 cents it gets very discouraging. What I really want to do is find a publisher who will not only publish my addiction book I've already written and self published but also contract me to write another book; maybe a Christian romance novel. Now, that would be a welcome challenge. But I want it to be like Jack Nicholson in 'As Good As It Gets' where I actually have such a great talent they are paying me to sit at home and write. Some of my favorite movies of all time have been about authors who write for a living. I was never aware of the reason they were always my favorites until I developed this inner desire to write. I guess I was born with the innate desire in me. You know the saying, I was born with a pencil in my hand and an idea in my mind! Anyway, it's been awhile since I've posted and I wanted to jump back in and say hi. Any publishers out there who'd like to add me to their best author list and publish my book(s) traditional only no subsidy (been there done that) send me a note. I'd be more than happy to reply. Have a great day.

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