Sunday, June 22, 2008

It's hard not to worry!

Seems like every morning I wake up to fight thoughts of fear. It seems like every person in my life gives me a reason to be afraid. I know if I jump out of bed proclaiming God and how great He is, I can change my thoughts from fear into faith. I know this. So why do I wake up some mornings and give into my fearful thoughts? I had three calls from Joshua's girlfriend telling me she can't find him anywhere. I know he he is at risk. Who couldn't know that. Watch him after a few hours without a beer. He can't talk, he looks dazed, he starts sweating; it is the craziest thing I have ever seen and dealt with in my life; an alcoholic. My son has shed new light on alcoholism and the disease. I was told once that if you lock up 30 alcoholics in one room and 30 drug addicts in another, in the morning you will have 30 very angry drug addicts and 30 dead alcoholics. I believe it now. God please protect my son and heal his body. It has gotten to the point where only you can help him. Nothing any one can do will be enough; only you Lord.

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