Monday, June 30, 2008

Working With Special Education

I work in the school district as an instructional aide for special education children. I never had a desire ever for this type of work and only landed in the position by accident, but I have to admit, it has been one of my favorite jobs. Special needs children are remarkable. They are loving, kind, funny, caring, needy, and just plain awesome to be around. I actually prefer the high school students over elementary. I enjoy watching them live to the best of their ability. Of course some have greater skill capacity than others, but all have their own special gifts and talents. Today, one boy, very autistic, no language, grabbed a chunk of my hair and held on for dear life. He was troubled about something and I could see the fire in his eyes. Known for biting I called out for help and when the other aide came over and asked what she should do, I just as calm as ever said, "tickle him." I really don't know where that came from but that was the response he elicited in me. I didn't want to hit him, or smack him across the room. I turned it into a game and he let go of my hair.

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