Monday, September 05, 2005

Out of Control.

I was dwelling about life this morning and thinking about the people in my life and I realized how completely out of control I really am. And it's not like it is a bad thing, it is actually a good thing not to be so responsible for everything and everyone. I learned a long time ago in recovery that I am powerless over people, places, and things and that God is in control in these areas, not me. It felt good to know I didn't have to fix it all and that I could trust that God would do it for me. I was thinking about the people in my life that need God's help and I was asking God to help them. But when I got really deep in my prayer I realized that these people need a lot of help and I started feeling overwhelmed. It just seems like such a huge task, even for God and then I get nervous that even He won't be able to do anything. I know that is silly thinking because we all know nothing is impossible for God but sometimes life becomes completely overwhelming and I can't fathom that even a big God can fix it all. I'm not caught up in it all right now because I did turn it over and let it go but I needed to confess that even I who knows how to practice the principles still at times gets freaked out by how big some circumstances are. And as much as I love these people in my life and as much as I want them to have a great life like the one God has given me it saddens me to see how very lost they are. But then I remember how lost I was and how God found me and then it doesn't seem so big, so bad, or so difficult. All is well again within my soul. Thank you God.

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