Thursday, March 13, 2008

Enjoying Easter With The Family

Easter is a time of celebration; Jesus has risen. What better way to say thanks to God then to spend the day with family and friends. Of course Christmas is the ultimate Jesus rejoicing holiday, But Easter comes in close second and offers a day of worship and relaxation.
Easter begins with Church. Often I can get my family to attend with me. Every year we start early putting out subtle hints; "Remember, Easter begins with Jesus." Sometimes a child shows up, maybe my sister. When my dad was alive the whole family attended. Something happened when dad passed away. Some of our family traditions fell a part, unfortunately one of them was Easter Sunday Church Celebration.
But don't get me wrong, the time spent with family after the service has filled photo albums full of great memories. A day at the park with Kentucky Fried Chicken and potato salad is the yearly ritual. Someone always shows up early to reserve a spot. The park fills up fast. Blankets, water coolers, lawn chairs and food cover large sections of the park grounds. Families from all over gather to enjoy this wonderful day set aside to celebrate each other. Even though the day belongs to God, I'm pretty certain he wouldn't have it any other way.
Of course there's always the easter egg hunt for the kids and an egg toss game played with the eggs decorated the night before. Baskets of candy and chocolate layed down by young-ins on the grass lead many tempting adults into indulgence. If only we all came prepared with our own sweets to eat. Of course Wendy always makes a cherry cobbler, but nothing satisfies like a chocolate bunny ear or a malted milk egg. It's just not an easter picnic without a marshmallow bunny.
Even on days when the weather isn't right and the park is uninviting,we all gather together in someones home. The relative with the largest house opens the doors for all to come in. Maybe it's not as comfortable as a blanket on the lawn or as fun as flying a kite through the clouds, but we all make due. As long as the family is together, then all is well.
And when the day is over and we've all gone home, I always thank God not only for loving me, but for giving me the greatest family in the whole wide world.

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