Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ever lived with a practicing alcoholic?

My son is a practicing alcoholic. He drinks more than anyone I know. If he does not have a drink every four to five hours, he has seizures. Sometimes he has seizures in his sleep. I have seen him seizure and it is very frightening. It happened quickly with no warning, other than a far off stare. He started yelling out and his body grew stiff. He turned blue and started foaming at the mouth. This went on for about two minutes while I screamed, "Just keep breathing." It was a very traumatic experience. Another symptom of alcohol withdrawal is high blood pressure. My son called the paramedics on himself the other day because he wasn't feeling well. When they took his blood pressure, it was 170/110. They did not know how he wasn't dead. I would like to put my son in a detox but strange enough there isn't one. The cheapest detox center I found was 100.00 a day. He has Med-cal but no one will take it. It is frustrating to have a son who is dying and there isn't anything I can do. Hopefully a miracle will happen soon. I would hate to lose my son. He is only 26.

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